It happened the 3rd time this month. Not a coincidence.

You are going to a nice fancy restaurant with the cuisine you like anticipating a philosophic talk with your friend with a glass of wine and light appetizer but from the beginning it goes wrong.

First, my best friend and I were meeting in the one of the downtown restaurants with hungarian cuisine after a long working day. The restaurant was almost empty and the posh interior pretended to be titled barocco_like. Working tote bags were put on the very low window sill just 40 cm from the floor. Immediately the waiter rushed to us with a long accusing speech of our bad manners. The mood was spoiled and no food could compensate. Were we aware of the etiquette? No doubt. Why did we break? Intentionally. Not a manifest against but as a freedom to be yourself as it did not hurt anybody, except the waiter of course.

The second time it happened during a business dinner. A brand new hotel in the downtown pretending to be a Michelin restaurant with a special Star Chef. My business partner was a charming charismatic lady in her early thirties open to a new city with all its magic and opportunities. The waiter construed the talk from a peak of this special place and when she ordered a glass of white wine with a meat course stared at her like a teacher to mischievous schoolboy:

-Are you sure Ma’am?

The pause was long and his sight was heavy. I shut down as we were not in 2 and I did not want my real character to appear. But yes, I was ready to reply. I was trying to make a joke but nobody did not catch the double-meaningness of the moment. Is this world exist? I have no idea. But in a minute which was long like like cold autumn days, the lady made the Right Choice. However, I believe the right choice was not a rose wine but fighting back to the waiter.

Am I opportunistic? Stubborn? Is it a personal freedom or bad etiquette? We are social animals, beautiful animals and from the early age we know the standard. Are we supposed to know? Are we supposed to follow? If I wish white semi-sweet with a beef who is a prosecutor? Who is supposed to judge and indict? Is my free wrong and shameful choice bringing the shadow to the high glaring idea of the “high” pretentious restaurant culture?

The third time happened in one of the luxury hotel by the side of Bosphorus where sometimes we come for a breakfast. This time an open – buffet was closed for people from “outside” and we stayed in another zone and were ready to choose one of the splendid breakfast offers. The waiter warned:

-In case you get a turkish breakfast please be aware it is for 2 persons only and the 3rd is not allowed to taste… Dark clouds closed the sky for my boyfriend and his friend arguing with the waiter. An attitude, what did it mirror?

I wondered what if our own faces are not perfect and we look in the mirror of the world through the amplifier of the tough life we came through. What if WE ARE those who value a fancy facade and not ready to accept simple things. I wonder if we still enjoy simple things. I wonder if anything in our cage is able to impress, make it A Day To Remember. Are we out of regular life, of normal life people live?

Yes, the personnel was a bad mannered but ….

Are You the Gold Fish on a hook?